Manitoba Wild Harvested & Foraged Food

Ethically harvested, small-batch wild foods and handmade crafts from the forests and plains of Manitoba.

Welcome to Manitoba Wildcraft. Please subscribe below to be informed first of wild harvests and access to limited-quantity foraged and handmade products from the forests of Manitoba, Canada. Manitoba Wildcraft also specializes in Manitoba wild foods, hunting, fishing, herbalism, foraging, and outdoor adventures. Workshops available 2022.

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  • Creeping Bellflower Harvest May 2022

    Creeping Bellflower Harvest May 2022

    Been a while since we posted!! Life has been crazy preparing the garden beds and trying to keep our plants alive! Here’s a little story about an enemy turned friend haha. As they say in permaculture the problem is the solution. Here is Creeping Bellflower – Campanula rapunculoides. A wildflower that is invasive and is…